The patented, FDA-approved LightMD™ system is a non-invasive treatment that stimulates the horse’s own natural healing response to accelerate healing and injury recovery by almost 50% of standard prognosis. It uses flexible polymeric pads containing hundreds of solid-state superluminious diodes (SLDs) to produce intense soothing light in the red and near infrared wavelengths.
LightMD is superior to other light therapy systems in its ability to provide the different wavelengths optimized for an injured area, whether skin, tissue, muscle etc. The LightPads™ use a flexible connector between sets of SLDs offering superior flexibility in multiple directions and better contouring to the horse’s body.

Light Therapy, while useful on many equine conditions, has been particularly effective for sport horses on:
Injury prevention
Suspensory Injuries
Hoof health including laminitis
Neck/back pain
Post-injury conditioning
Light Therapy Stories

Suspensory Tear to Under Saddle in 18 Weeks
Smoke presented with a Level 4 suspensory tear at the insertion and a nearly ruptured deep digital flexor tendon in his right front. After 15 light therapy treatments, he was ultrasounded by the vet who was astonished to observe a 75% improvement from the original injury. We continued intensive light therapy treatments. After 4.5 months, Smoke was able to start under saddle rehab.

Laminitis to Sound in 3 days
When I went to ride Sunny, I observed he was in distress. He was rolled back onto his back feet. His front feet were hot and I felt pulses. In consultation with the vet, we agreed he had developed an acute case of laminitis. The vet agreed to add light therapy in addition to medication. I began 30-40 minute daily treatments on him. After 3 days, Sunny was walking comfortably and was declared sound. The vet was delighted as she had expected his recovery to take several weeks

Wound Be Gone
Pokey suffered from a 5-year old chronic wound; a small injury to her front fetlock which had become necrotic and would not heal despite antibiotics, flushing and many other treatments. After 12 light treatments, the wound began to shed scar tissues, collagen fibers and other unhealthy tissue formed as it healed from the inside out. The wound was completely healed after 30 treatments and has not returned.